Thursday, October 12, 2023

Family and Friends of Olde - A visit to the UK

The British Family Round Up.

Up the pub for a pint with Uncle Dan!

Up the park for a game of footie.

Visit to a theme park with Grandma.

At home in Caversham with my bro, Dan.

Lunch and games at my sister Han's and
bro in law, Rich's House, Worcester.

With my Uncle Gareth and mum, Carol, in the
 middle of the Hampton Court Maze.

A wet day in Wales...who would have thought...

At St David's, Wales. A favourite holiday spot.

The Clarke, Moloney Willmore Clan.

Standard summer BBQ in the UK

Camping with cousins.

With my sis, Hannah.

The Friends Round Up

Sleepover and games with Southampton friends.

The first time parents crew, Southampton.

The children in order of age.

With Sarah, another first time mum friend.

With Jo, a first time mum friend and
 brilliant neighbour in Shirley, S'ton.

The boys back together.

The girls back together.

Catching Sash's 40th in Robin Hood country,
with school friends Ellie and SJ.

With Emily, a school buddy and 
fellow England Lacrosse player.

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